Other Perfect tenses Past Perfect / Future Perfect Perfect Continuous Perfect Continuous Past Continuous for plans, polite requests Continuous infinitives Perfect tenses continuous tenses the future _i Present Perfect Present Perfect with other tenses idiomatic phrases Starting and ending: creating 248 and destroying SECTION 4 Competition, opposition, 246 disagreement SECTION 5 SECTION 6 Intensifying and emphasising Exam practice 12 SECTION 5 Expressing knowledge and belief 234 Exam practice 14 Vocabulary SECTION 4 Dependent prepositions and 232 prepositional phrases Verbs used with prepositional 230 and adverbial phrases Singular, plural uncountable: common phrasesĪll, both, the whole, neither, either, 146 no, noneĢ Verbs followed by that-clauses 228 and adjectives Vocabulary SECTION 4 Differences and similarities SECTION 5

SECTION 4 Reference: this, that, these, those 170 such so SECTION 4 Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of, 152 (a) few, (a) Ones, another, other(s), one 150 another, each other Vocabulary SECTION 6 Amount and extent 156 SECTION 7Īdjective structures adjective or adverb? Little, most SECTION 5 Any, some, somewhere, anywhere, 154 etc.

Vocabulary SECTION 4 Expressing purpose and effect SECTION 6 Phrasal verbs verb + preposition Exam practice 2 Vocabulary SECTION 5 Metaphor SECTION 6 Word formation: prefixes and suffixes Passives 36 Structures with get and have 38 Not using the passive: Unlikely conditionals in the present and future Likely conditionals in the past, present and future Agents and objects with the passive 34 Infinitives and -ing form

Subjunctives and Unreal Past Conditionals Vocabulary SECTION 4 Frequency 74 SECTION 5 Present Perfect Other Perfect forms Continuous forms The future Necessity, duty and adviceĢ Ability, permission Special uses of should modals in the past Vocabulary SECTION 4 Possibility, probability and certainty Set in Monotype Dante Printed in Spain by Graficas Estella First published 1999 Second impression 2000 ISBN 3 8 Acknowledgements Designed by First Edition Illustrations by Noel Ford Cover design by Andrew Oliver Project managed by Christina Ruse The publishers would like to thank the following for their kind permission to adapt excerpts from original texts: Oxford Today (passage, page 29) The Independent, from article by William Hartson, 13.12.97 (passage on global warming, page 133) Newsweek (passage on twins, page 151) Quartet Books, from Sudan by N Worral (1980) (passage, page 153) Seeker and Warburg, from Neither Here Nor There by Bill Bryson (1991) (passage on travelling in Europe, page 155) Penguin, from Citizens by Simon Schama, p.21 (passage, page 194). Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world © Pearson Education Limited 1999 The right of Richard Side and Guy Wellman to be identified as authors of this Work have been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers.